Donna Maria’s room

Donna Maria’s room

The ancient bedroom of the lady Donna Maria of the Villa which had it the past a beautiful garden of olive trees view, today has a view of the centuries-old garden and the beautiful swimming pool. Its 24 square meters are furnished with minimal style, taking advantage of the spaces to give its guests comfort and relax. The ancient decorated cement tiles, typical of the area, have been expertly restored to compose a carpet.

Don Giuseppe’s room

Don Giuseppe’s room

The bedroom of Don Giuseppe Pesce, the lord of the Villa. It overlooks the front and the garden, allowing the former owner to control the entire palace, which 200 years ago was extended beyond the current state road. A careful restoration has made it possible to preserve the original frescoes, the ancient decorated cement tiles, typical of the area, have been expertly restored to compose a carpet, enhancing the singular contrast with the modern and minimal furnishings.

The Matrone’s budoir

The Matrone’s budoir

Private sitting room for meetings and for the toilet transformed into a refined, modern and exclusive room. The vault has a very refined fresco depicting the lady of the house in an intimate moment of well-being. The ancient decorated cement tiles, blend perfectly with the modern style of the furnishings and the marble bathroom. The room is embellished with a 30 square meter private veranda, air-conditioned, a Jacuzzi for two for summer and winter, moments of well-being while being immersed in the Apulian countryside.

The Guest living room

The Guest living room

Frescoed with images of triumph, to celebrate the political and social rise of the landlord. In its 38 square meters a luxurious and exclusive room has been created, with gold-colored finishes, marble, a cozy whirlpool tub and a refined furniture. As in every room, part of the original flooring of the time has been restored and brought to its former glory.

The caretaker’s home

The caretaker’s home

Un signore dell’ottocento non poteva fare a meno di una famiglia al suo servizio. Lì dove un tempo viveva questa famiglia, ora c’è una graziosa camera illuminata dal sole pomeridiano. Un giardino privato di 25 metri quadrati renderà le serate estive momenti indimenticabili.